The 2011 Scrum Guide – A Lot of Changes!

I’ve finally had a chance to read through the new 2011 Scrum Guide with a fine toothed comb to see the changes from the 2010 Scrum Guide. Some of the changes are described by the Scrum creators. However, some are not so apparent. In the coming weeks, I’m going to be posting and analyzing some of the more interesting and significant changes.

Here is a list of changes that I noticed that aren’t already specifically described in the link above:

  • Language stating that the Scrum Guide is *the* definition of Scrum.
  • Language has been added to say that Scrum is an all or nothing proposition — you either do all of the practices, or you’re not doing Scrum.
  • Backlog grooming is now a required practice of Scrum.
  • More emphasis on a “plan for implementing improvements…” with respect to Retrospectives
  • Heavier emphasis describing Scrum as rule oriented.
  • More focus on the Scrum Master as a Servant to the Scrum Team.
  • The section on Undone work has been totally removed.
  • Scrum Team Composition is no longer a specific example of what a Retrospective analyzes.
    • Actually this entire sentence was removed: “…These[items to retrospect] include Scrum Team composition, meeting arrangements, tools, definition of ‘done,’ methods of communication, and processes for turning Product Backlog items into something ‘done.’…”
  • Changes to the optional practices and “tips”
    • Backlog grooming now a required practice.
    • Tip about implementing gaps in Scrum framework has been replaced by this sentence in the Guide:
      • “Specific strategies for using the Scrum framework vary and are described elsewhere.” (Editorial note: Not nearly as clear as the old tip, IMO)
    • Tip about renegotiating scope with the PO is now a required practice(when necessary, of course)
    • Removal of the “You can optionally plan ~60% of the Sprint in the Sprint Planning Meeting instead of the whole Sprint planned in the Sprint Planning Meeting”
    • Tip about User Stories and Use Cases removed
    • Tip about Scrum Master helping to choose PO has been removed
    • Release Planning has been removed from the Scrum Guide(they sort of mention this in the change notes)

There are probably more changes that I just haven’t noticed yet, but I’ll keep updating this article on my website as I see them.

Stay tuned in the coming weeks, as I’m going to be posting and analyzing some of the more interesting and significant changes that have come out of the 2011 Scrum Guide.  If you want to stay informed of the latest 2011 Scrum Guide changes, as well as other Scrum Topics and analysis, you can subscribe to my blog by email in the upper left hand corner of this page.

Did you notice any interesting changes to the guide?  If so, post them in the comments!

7 Responses

  1. “Language has been added to say that Scrum is an all or nothing proposition — you either do all of the practices, or you’re not doing Scrum.”

    Yes that is a good way of alienating people. Sometimes its scary the unflexibility you see in the world. The high priests of scrum is sometimes as bad as any other high priests. We do scrum:ish and are very happy with that. If that is not met by their approval I could not care less to be honest.

  2. almgren,

    I can’t disagree with you much. I think there might actually be some benefit to alienating those who say they are doing Scrum but really aren’t doing it.

    Now, you on the other hand, you say that you’re doing “scrum:ish”… At least you’re being honest about it.

    As a Scrum Coach, I don’t have any problem with those who say they are doing “Something like Scrum,” “Scrum:ish”, “Pseudo-Scrum”, “We’re Scrum-like”, etc. At least these people are being honest. It’s the people that are doing something other than Scrum, and calling it Scrum — those are the people that I feel like aren’t getting it.

  3. […] recently read a blog by Charles Bradley over at Scrum Crazy where he dissected the new version of the SCRUM guide. One item in the new SCRUM guide is […]

  4. Well, how about the ground breaking replacement of sprint commitment with a Forecast? That is a substantial change in the relationship between PO and team, and embodies much more respect in it.

  5. Hi Guy,

    Thanks for the comment.

    I don’t know if it’s ground breaking per se. I see it more as a clarification of terminology.

    However, you are very correct in pointing it out as a significant change, and I did not point it out in this post. I intend to correct that in the future.


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